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Privacy policy

At YUUJI SHOPPING LTD our mission is to provide you with excellent products and an amazing online shopping experience. This Privacy Policy is meant to help you understand how our company does that and how to exercise the choices and rights you have in your information.

1.0 Policy Overview

YUUJI SHOPPING LTD recognizes the importance of having effective privacy protections in place and is committed to compliance with applicable data privacy laws, regulations, internal policies, and standards. These protections form the foundation of a trustworthy company; are necessary to maintain the confidence of customers and employees; and ensure the company’s own compliance with such local laws. This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) is based on globally accepted, basic principles on data protection.

1.1 Scope

This Policy applies to all clients, employees, contractors and any other users of YUUJI SHOPPING LTD. This policy also applies to all our users, including Customers and Businesses, and to all our platforms and services, including our website, app, features, and other services (collectively, the “YUUJI SHOPPING LTD Platform”). Please remember that your use of the YUUJI SHOPPING LTD Platform is also subject to our Terms and Conditions.

1.3 Application of local laws

Each user and member of YUUJI SHOPPING LTD is responsible for compliance with this Policy. If there is reason to believe that local law requirements or other legal obligations contradict the duties under this Policy, you must inform us. In the event of conflicts between applicable local laws, rules or regulations and the Policy, we will work to find a practical solution that reconciles these requirements.

1.4 Definitions

Personal data

Any information that can directly or indirectly be used to identify a natural person, whether that individual is an employee, a customer or employee of a customer, a vendor or employee of a vendor, a job applicant or any other third party.


·       Names

·       Addresses

·       Phone numbers

·       Email addresses


Any operation performed on Personal Data, with or without the use of automated systems, such as to collect, store, organize, retain, archive, record, view, modify, adapt, alter, query, use, retrieve, forward, transmit, or combine data. This also includes disposing of, deleting, erasing, destroying or blocking data.


·       Storing information in databases

·       Viewing information stored on another computer

·       Transferring information from one database to another

2. Data protection principles

2.1 Overview

Personal Data will be collected, recorded and used in a proper and professional manner, whether the Personal Data is on paper, in computer records or recorded by any other means.

YUUJI SHOPPING LTD is accountable for and must be able to demonstrate compliance with the following principles of data protection ONLY when data is held by us but after we hand over the data, we are not responsible for third parties’ action. Nonetheless we believe in these data principles:

2.2 Fair and lawful

When Processing Personal Data, the rights of the individual related to their Personal Data must be protected. Personal Data must be collected and processed fairly and lawfully.

2.3 Purpose specification

Personal Data can be used or processed only for the purpose defined at the time of collection and shall not be further used or Processed in any manner incompatible with that purpose. Personal Data may not be collected and stored for potential future use unless allowed by local law.

2.4 Collection limitation

YUUJI SHOPPING LTD only collects Personal Data necessary to meet the specified purpose at the time of collection and only to the extent allowed by local law.

2.5 Deletion

Personal Data no longer needed for the purpose specified at the time of collection shall be deleted according to applicable retention schedules unless it is subject to an exception from us.

2.6 Data quality

Personal Data should be accurate, and if necessary, kept up to date.

2.7 Security safeguards

Personal Data must be protected using technical, managerial and physical security measures against risk of loss or unauthorized access, destruction, use, modification or disclosure.

2.8 Transparency

Individuals must be notified at the time of collection how their Personal Data is being used or processed. They must be aware of who is collecting the Personal Data, the purpose for the Processing of the Personal Data and if third parties will Process the Personal Data, that adequate safeguards are in place. All such notices must be approved by us.

2.9 Individual participation

To the extent required by local law, individuals have a right to access their Personal Data and, where appropriate, to correct or delete it and exercise any other right provided by local law.

3. Does this Privacy Notice apply to you?

This Privacy Notice applies to you if you are a user of YUUJI SHOPPING LTD,

4. What Personal Data does YUUJI SHOPPING LTD collect?

In the course of our business activities and providing the services, we will need to process Personal Data. Without your Personal Data, we will not be able to provide you with the requested services. As a rule, the Personal Data that you provide directly or indirectly to YUUJI SHOPPING LTD when using our services and visiting our Websites are:

Contact information. Such as your name, address, e-mail address and phone number;

Financial information. This will include your payment method, payment status, and invoices;

Account information. This will include log-in details, including your email address, and other information provided through your account;

5. Does YUUJI SHOPPING LTD use cookies?

Yes, we use cookies and similar technologies on our Websites. Through these cookies, we automatically obtain Personal Data as listed above when you visit our Websites. To learn more about the cookies and similar technologies, please consult our Cookie Notice.

5.1 What is a cookie?

A cookie is a series of data characters that, when programmed into a web site, is placed by the web server into the browser's application folder on your computer. Once placed onto your machine, the cookie will allow the web site to "recognize" you as a unique individual.

5.2 Can cookies be removed from my hard drive?

Yes, cookies can be removed from your hard drive. Also, depending on what type of web browser and what browser version you are using, you may be able to change the properties on your cookie file so that cookies are not used or saved. Please check with your browser provider for more information on removing cookies.

6. Why does YUUJI SHOPPING LTD process Personal Data?

Personal Data shall be collected, used, stored or otherwise processed when necessary within the framework of responsible, efficient and effective business management of YUUJI SHOPPING LTD. We process Personal Data based on applicable legal ground(s). The legal ground is often intrinsically linked to the business purpose. This means, for example, that the performance of an agreement can be both a legal ground and a business purpose for YUUJI SHOPPING LTD. Therefore, we will first clarify the legal ground(s) on which YUUJI SHOPPING LTD processes your Personal Data and, subsequently, the business purpose(s) that we use your Personal Data for:

6.1 Legal Grounds.

In general, YUUJI SHOPPING LTD processes your Personal Data based on one of the following legal grounds:

·       The processing is necessary to perform an agreement between you and YUUJI SHOPPING LTD,

·       The processing is necessary for us to comply with our legal obligations,

·       The processing is necessary to protect your vital interests or of other individuals,

·       The processing is necessary for the legitimate interests of YUUJI SHOPPING LTD, except where such interests are overridden by your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms, or

Where appropriate and required, we will ask for your consent.

6.2 Business Purposes.

YUUJI SHOPPING LTD shall only collect, use or otherwise process Personal Data if the processing falls within the scope of one (or more) of the legitimate business purposes listed below:

6.3 Product development, research and improvement of YUUJI SHOPPING LTD products and/or services.

YUUJI SHOPPING LTD processes Personal Data as necessary for the development and improvement of our products and/or services, research and development.

6.4 Performing agreements.

This includes business services, implementing YUUJI SHOPPING LTD services, communication with individuals and other parties regarding services, responding to requests for (further) information, dispute resolution and preparing agreements.

6.5 Relationship management and marketing for commercial activities.

In general, YUUJI SHOPPING LTD processes Personal Data as necessary for the development and improvement of our products and/or services, account management, client services and the performance of (targeted) marketing activities in order to establish a relationship with a client and/or maintaining as well as extending a relationship with a client, business partner or supplier and for performing analyses with respect to Personal Data for statistical and scientific purposes (e.g. deliver advertising, sponsorships, loyalty programs or other campaigns, communications and content from us on our sites and those of third parties more specific to your interests).

6.7 Business process execution, internal management and management reporting.

This includes addressing activities such as managing company assets, conducting internal audits and investigations, finance and accounting, implementing business controls, provision of central processing facilities for efficiency purposes, managing mergers, acquisitions and divestitures and Processing Personal Data for management reporting and analysis.

6.8 Safety and security.

Personal Data shall be included in the processing for activities such as those involving health and safety, the protection of YUUJI SHOPPING LTD and customer, supplier or business partner assets and the authentication of customer, supplier or business partner status and access rights (e.g. provide a safe and secure services for online and offline transactions).

Protecting the vital interests of individuals. This includes processing data when necessary to protect your vital interests or of other individuals (e.g. for urgent medical reasons).

6.9 Compliance with legal obligations.

This addresses the processing of Personal Data as necessary for compliance with laws, regulations and sector specific guidelines to which YUUJI SHOPPING LTD is subject (e.g. matching names of clients, suppliers and business partners against denied parties’ lists for the purposes of avoiding conflict of interests, ensuring trade compliance, anti-money laundering, anti-bribery or other compliance policies and procedures).

7. Who has access to your Personal Data?

As a rule, YUUJI SHOPPING LTD shares your Personal Data with third parties in the following circumstances:

With data processors, i.e. parties processing Personal Data on our behalf. In such cases, these third parties only use your Personal Data for the purposes described above and only in accordance with our instructions. We will only use processors which provide sufficient guarantees to implement appropriate technical and organizational measures and ensure the protection of the rights of data subjects.

With its business partners such as lead purchasing companies who are eventually responsible for the data.

With its employees if and to the extent necessary for the performance of their tasks. In such a case, access will be granted only if and to the extent necessary for the purposes described above and only if the employee is bound by confidentiality.

If and when required to do so by law, court order, or other legal process, for example, with law enforcement agencies or other governmental agencies, to establish or exercise our legal rights or in connection with a corporate transaction, such as a divesture, merger, consolidation, or asset sale, or in the unlikely event of bankruptcy.

8. How long will YUUJI SHOPPING LTD process your Personal Data?

We will retain your Personal Data no longer than necessary for the purpose(s) for which we process your Personal Data. After the retention period we will delete or anonymize your Personal Data, unless we need to retain certain of your Personal Data for another purpose. We will only do so if we have a legal ground to retain your Personal Data. We will also ensure that Personal Data are only accessible for that other purpose.

9. What measures does YUUJI SHOPPING LTD take to protect your Personal Data?

We have taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your Personal Data against accidental or unlawful processing, including by ensuring that:

Your Personal Data is protected against unauthorized access;

The integrity and availability of your Personal Data will be maintained;

Personnel is trained in information security requirements; and

Actual or suspected data breaches are reported in accordance with applicable law.

10. Where does YUUJI SHOPPING LTD store or transfer your Personal Data?

Personal Data is stored in the Republic of Kenya. We shall update this Policy in the event such data is transferred elsewhere as required by applicable data protection laws.

11. What rights can you exercise in relation to your Personal Data?

Based on the law applicable to the use of your Personal Data, you have rights in relation to your Personal Data. Note that we will have to balance your rights and your request to exercise them against our rights and obligations to process your Personal Data and to protect the rights and freedoms of others.

12. What if I have other questions or complaints?

Questions or complaints regarding the processing of your Personal Data can be directed to info@yuujishopping.com  

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent (local) data protection authority in the jurisdiction where you work, where you live or where an alleged infringement takes place. 13. Will there be updates to this Privacy Notice?

YUUJI SHOPPING LTD may update this Privacy Notice from time to time. If an amendment will have a serious impact, we will endeavor to actively inform you about such amendments.

14. Security and access on personal data

Personal Data

Personal Data is classified as confidential. Any unauthorized Processing of such data by employees is prohibited. Any Processing undertaken by an employee that is not part of his or her legitimate duties is prohibited. Employees may have access to Personal Data only as is appropriate for the type and scope of the task in question. This requires the definition and separation, as well as implementation, of roles and responsibilities.

Employees are prohibited from using Personal Data outside of the scope of their employment at YUUJI SHOPPING LTD, to disclose it to unauthorized persons or to make it available in any other way outside the permitted business use. Supervisors must inform their employees at the start of the employment relationship about the obligation to protect Personal Data. This obligation shall remain in force even after employment has ended.

Personal Data must be safeguarded from unauthorized access and unlawful Processing or disclosure. This applies regardless of whether data is processed electronically or in paper form. Before the introduction of new methods of data Processing, a privacy impact assessment should be performed for new IT systems, which may lead to implementing technical and organizational measures to protect Personal Data.

Employees are expected to follow our Information Security Standards, which can be found by searching keyword “standards.” Note that Information Security classifies all data as Sensitive, Internal or Public. Depending on its classification, Personal Data must be protected in accordance with the applicable Information Security Standards.

In the event of suspicious activity, suspected cyberattack, suspected security incident or possible breach of Personal Data, all our employees must notify Information Security immediately via the Incident Notification Website, keyword “incident,” or call us to report the incident.

15.0 Special circumstances

Data transferring or processing by third parties

Personal Data may not be transferred to a country outside the country of origin unless the transfer has been approved by us, who will ensure an adequate level of data protection or suitable safeguards are in place. If a vendor or third party is engaged to Process Personal Data, a data transfer agreement must be in place with that external provider. An external provider can Process Personal Data only in accordance with instructions from YUUJI SHOPPING LTD.

Processing of special categories of Personal Data

Special categories of Personal Data that are highly sensitive can be processed only under certain conditions. These categories include an individual’s racial and ethnic origin, political beliefs, religious or philosophical beliefs, union membership or the health and sexual life of the data subject. Under local law(s), further data categories may necessitate special treatment. Personal Data that relates to a crime can often be processed under special requirements of local law.

If there are plans to implement a new system, procedure or Process that includes Personal Data in a special category, we must be informed in advance.

Telecommunications and internet

Telephone equipment, email addresses, intranet and Internet, along with internal social networks, are provided primarily for work-related assignments. They can be used within the applicable legal regulations and internal policies. In the event of limited acceptable usage for private purposes, the local laws on secrecy of telecommunications and any local telecommunication laws must be observed.

16. Details on The Information We Collect

When you use our YUUJI SHOPPING LTD Platform, we collect the information you provide, usage information, and information about your device. We also collect information about you from other sources like third-party services, and optional programs in which you participate, which we may combine with other information we have about you. Here are the types of information we collect about you:

A. Information You Provide to Us

Account Registration. When you create an account with us, we collect the information you provide us, such as your name, email address, phone number, birth date, and payment information. You may choose to share additional info with us for your profile, like your photo or saved addresses (e.g., home or work), and set up other preferences (such as your preferred pronouns).

Communications. When you contact us or we contact you, we collect any information that you provide, including the contents of the messages or attachments you send us.

B. Information We Collect When You Use our YUUJI SHOPPING LTD Platform

Device Information. We collect information about the devices you use to access our Platform, including device model, IP address, type of browser, version of operating system, identity of carrier and manufacturer, radio type (such as 4G), preferences and settings (such as preferred language), application installations, device identifiers, advertising identifiers, and push notification tokens.

Cookies, Analytics, and Third-Party Technologies. We collect information through the use of “cookies”, tracking pixels, data analytics tools like Google Analytics, SDKs, and other third-party technologies to understand how you navigate through our Platform and interact with our advertisements, to make your experience with us safer, to learn what content is popular, to improve your site experience, to serve you better ads on other sites, and to save your preferences. Cookies are small text files that web servers place on your device; they are designed to store basic information and to help websites and apps recognize your browser. We may use both session cookies and persistent cookies. A session cookie disappears after you close your browser. A persistent cookie remains after you close your browser and may be accessed every time you use our Platform. You should consult your web browser(s) to modify your cookie settings. Please note that if you delete or choose not to accept cookies from us, you may miss out on certain features of our Platform.

C. Information We Collect from Third Parties

Third-Party Services. Third-party services provide us with information needed for core aspects of our Platform, as well as for additional services, programs, loyalty benefits, and promotions that can enhance your YUUJI SHOPPING experience. These third-party services include background check providers, insurance partners, financial service providers, marketing providers, and other businesses. We obtain the following information about you from these third-party services:

Information to operationalize loyalty and promotional programs or applications, services, or features you choose to connect or link to your YUUJI SHOPPING LTD account, such as information about your use of such programs, applications, services, or features.

Providing the YUUJI SHOPPING LTD Platform. We use your personal information to provide an intuitive, useful, efficient, and worthwhile experience on our platform. To do this, we use your personal information to:

·       Collect feedback regarding your experience;

·       Facilitate additional services and programs with third parties; and

Providing Customer Support. We work hard to provide the best experience possible, including supporting you when you need it. To do this, we use your personal information to:

·       Investigate and assist you in resolving questions or issues you have regarding our Platform; and

·       Support you or respond to you.

Improving the YUUJI SHOPPING LTD Platform. We are always working to improve your experience and provide you with new and helpful features. To do this, we use your personal information to:

·       Perform research, testing, and analysis;

·       Develop new products, features, partnerships, and services;

·       Prevent, find, and resolve software or hardware bugs and issues; and

·       Monitor and improve our operations and processes, including security practices, algorithms, and other modeling.

Responding to Legal Proceedings and Requirements. Sometimes the law, government entities, or other regulatory bodies impose demands and obligations on us with respect to the services we seek to provide. In such a circumstance, we may use your personal information to respond to those demands or obligations.

17. How We Share Your Information

We do not sell your personal information. To make our Platform work, we may need to share your personal information with other users, third parties, and service providers.

A. Sharing with Third-Party Service Providers for Business Purposes

YUUJI SHOPPING LTD may share the following categories of your personal information for a business purpose:

·       Personal identifiers, such as your name, address, email address, and phone number.

·       Financial information, such as payment information you provide us;

·       Location data.

B. We disclose those categories of personal information to service providers to fulfill the following business purposes:

·       Maintaining and servicing your YUUJI SHOPPING LTD account;

·       Processing or fulfilling deliveries;

·       Providing you with customer service;

·       Providing marketing and advertising services to YUUJI SHOPPING LTD;

·       Providing analytics services to YUUJI SHOPPING LTD; and

·       Undertaking internal research to develop the YUUJI SHOPPING LTD Platform.

C. For Legal Reasons and to Protect the YUUJI SHOPPING LTD Platform

We may share your personal information in response to a legal obligation, or if we have determined that sharing your personal information is reasonably necessary or appropriate to:

·       Comply with any applicable national and/or local law or regulation, civil, criminal or regulatory inquiry, investigation or legal process, or enforceable governmental request;

·       Respond to legal process (such as a search warrant, subpoena, summons, or court order);

·       Enforce our Terms and Conditions;

·       Cooperate with law enforcement agencies concerning conduct or activity that we reasonably and in good faith believe may violate national and/or local law; or

·       Exercise or defend legal claims, protect against harm to our rights, property, interests, or safety or the rights, property, interests, or safety of you, third parties, or the public as required or permitted by law.

D. In Connection with Sale or Merger

We may share your personal information while negotiating or in relation to a change of corporate control such as a restructuring, merger, or sale of our assets.

E. Upon Your Further Direction

With your permission or upon your direction, we may disclose your personal information to interact with a third party or for other purposes.

18. How to Delete Your Information

We retain your information for as long as necessary to provide you and our other users the YUUJI SHOPPING WORLD Platform. This means we keep your profile information for as long as you maintain an account. If you request account deletion, we will delete your information as outlined in the “Deleting Your Account” section below.

We take reasonable and appropriate measures designed to protect your personal information. But no security measures can be 100% effective, and we cannot guarantee the security of your information, including against unauthorized intrusions or acts by third parties.

19. Your Rights and Choices Regarding Your Data

As explained more below and on our privacy homepage, YUUJI SHOPPING LTD provides ways for you to access and delete your personal information as well as exercise other data rights that give you certain control over your personal information.

A. All Users

Email Subscriptions. You can always unsubscribe from our commercial or promotional emails by clicking unsubscribe in those messages. We will still send you transactional and relational emails about your use of our Platform.

Profile Information.

You can review and edit certain account information you have chosen to add to your profile by logging in to your account settings and profile.

Location Information.

You can prevent your device from sharing location information through your device’s system settings. But if you do, this may impact our ability to provide you with our full range of features and services.

Deleting Your Account.

If you want to delete your YUUJI SHOPPING account, please visit our privacy homepage. In some cases, we cannot delete your account, such as if there is an issue with your account related to trust, safety, or fraud. When we delete your account, we may retain certain information for legitimate business purposes or to comply with legal or regulatory obligations. For example, we may retain your information to resolve open insurance claims, or we may be obligated to retain your information as part of an open legal claim. When we retain such data, we do so in ways designed to prevent its use for other purposes.

20. Children’s Data

YUUJI SHOPPING LTD is not directed to children, and we don’t knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 18. If we find out that a child under 18 has given us personal information, we will take steps to delete that information. If you believe that a child under the age of 18 has given us personal information, please contact us.

21. Disclaimer On Links to Third-Party Websites

Our YUUJI SHOPPING LTD Platform may contain links to third-party websites. Those websites may have privacy policies that differ from ours. We are not responsible for those websites, and we recommend that you review their policies. Please contact those websites directly if you have any questions about their privacy policies.

22. Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may update this policy from time to time as our Platform changes and privacy law evolves. If we update it, we will do so online, and if we make material changes, we will let you know through our Platform or by some other method of communication like email. When you use YUUJI SHOPPING LTD platform, you are agreeing to the most recent terms of this policy.

24. Communication and responsibilities


All users are responsible for:

·       Reading and complying with this Policy and related policies, along with related documents/guidelines that may be developed and maintained to implement the requirements of this Policy.

·       Reporting violations of this Policy.

Management is additionally responsible for:

·       Ensuring all reporting personnel understand the requirements of this Policy.

·       Ensuring appropriate safeguards are in place to protect Personal Data.

YUUJI SHOPPING LTD prohibits any form of retaliation for reporting in good faith a suspected violation of this Policy.

25. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about your privacy or anything in this policy, including if you need to access this policy in an alternative format, we encourage you to contact us on

Tel: 0112291438

Email: info@yuujishopping.com